Arnold+Sukroso // Electronica Live Act
They still hold their musical roots in their hands: two drum sticks and an acoustic guitar.
During the last years, however, drummer Sebastian Arnold and “AcPad-Guitar” inventor Robin Sukroso developed their instruments further into electronic controllers. Now they are able to play laptops, synthesizers, DIY sound machines and their systems have become one-man bands in their own right. Not long ago, the two met and founded the new supersonic duo Arnold+Sukroso with the release of SYNCHROTRON E.P. This is an exciting mixture of electronic beats, virtuoso guitar synthesizing and spherical vocals – and a live performance where every note is played by hand. Listen to this, before machines are taking over romance!
„Beide sind wahre Internetstars, Pioniere der elektronischen Live-Musik [und] in der Deutschen Elektroszene schon längst kein Geheimtipp mehr“
– Clownfisch Statement Magazin (05/2014)
„Eigentlich sind Sebastian Arnold und Robin Sukroso überzeugte Einzelgänger. Weil die Tüftler aber einiges gemeinsam haben, haben sie sich doch einen Ruck gegeben, die Steckdosen miteinander geteilt und eine gemeinsame EP herausgebracht. Hingehen lohnt sich, denn schon allein die Instrumente gibt es so nicht noch einmal.“
– Radio Fritz (06/2014)